Thursday, July 23, 2015

Meet our Volunteer Leads

EQ requires over 400 volunteers. There is the talent  -  bands, DJs and acoustic musicians.  We also have hospitality - 24-hour coffee and the green room. We have greeters and parking guides. 24-hour security, gate and medical. A set-up and clean-up crew. Not to mention all the help we get from Weber County. Numerous, generous volunteers go the distance to make our event fun and safe. Most of our volunteer leads have experience with local festivals, Burning Man events or as artists and entertainers. Ogden truly is full of local talent and support.

We have awesome leads that can help you find your volunteer opportunities. (Or just, maybe you are wondering who makes "the things" happen). Or maybe you have some ideas you would like to share with them. The official volunteer sign-ups will be posted next week after we meet with our volunteer coordinator. You can sign up for shifts online and view job descriptions easily.

Here is the crew this year, in no specific order, please thank them in advance for all of their hard work and help them out by volunteering for one of their shifts. Thank you all!

Ryan Bassett - Live Music Stage

Otherwise known as, The Bass Man, has been organizing the live stage talent for the past few years. He is currently in four bands himself, including The Mistakes, Pine Top Inferno, The Tim Daniels Band and Hotel le Motel, and he is an avid supporter of the Utah music scene and local festivals. If you are interested in being booked for the live stage, send an email to with links to your reverbnation page and live performances. If you are booked, make sure to send him the the full names of your band members for the gate list.

Jon Turner - Acoustic Stage

Jon Turner, aka JonnyT, is managing the acoustic stage for the second year. He is the front man for the band the Highway Thieves and hosts Ogden's Unplugged. This year the acoustic or "second" stage will be featuring musicians both Friday and Saturday. Although it is called the acoustic stage it also features small bands and other types of talent. If you are interested in playing this stage send Jonny a link, via Facebook, to your music recording, preferably video of live performances. Also, if you are playing make sure to send him a list of your band member's full names for the gate list.

Patrick Weber - Volunteer Coordinator

Patrick, the guy on the right, has been crowned volunteer of the year, pretty much every year since we met him. He is hardworking and full of energy. He started out as a greeter, then greeter lead to volunteer coordinator. He is a super swell guy and can help you find your volunteer opportunities. He is also quick on a bike across the 84 acres to instantly give help when needed. He will be putting together all of the shifts and responsibilities to be published soon. Contact him via Facebook if you have questions, ideas or are not sure what volunteer job would suit you.

LeeAnn Quinn Ballard - Kid's Camp

LeeAnn has been running kid's camp for the past few years and it gets better every year. She is an active supporter of local arts and music and a joy to be around. She is positive, optimistic and upbeat, which makes her ideal for supporting our young'ins in creating their own art. Art supply donations are always welcome. If you are interested in teaching the kids a class, please contact her about what you can share with the children. Kids 12 and under are free to attend the EQ events and if we can foster even one new artist or musician, the world is winning. Contact her via Facebook if you would like to help out with classes, cleanup or donations. Thank you.

Matt Housley - DJ Stage

Matt has been managing the DJ EQ stage for the past few years. He is also the organizer for Nocturnal Grooves and often DJs at Area51 and other local venues. He has a good, dedicated support crew and is always professional. He is usually so on top of it, that his schedule is full before everyone else. If you would like to help him out, such as set-up, clean-up or art work, contact him via Facebook with your ideas. You could even host an event at this stage, such as a hula contest or happy-hour, contact him and see what is possible.

Mackenzie Stevens - Green Room - Backstage

This sassy one has volunteered to manage the backstage green room. She has been working events since the wee age of 18 (E11, Burning Man, EQ, Uncle Uncannys) and as a seasoned project manager for Spring Notquinox has a lot to offer.  In the new green room area band members will not only acquire drinks and sustenance, but also the opportunity to interact and collaborate with other musicians. You never know, the next hot band might even start in the green room over a few cold beers. If you would like to make donations, booze - food - or structure, contact her via Facebook with your ideas.

Lacy Jo Bingham - Hot drinks - Hospitality

 Lacy brings to the table experience as an EQ organizer and volunteer for large events such as Burning Man and E11. She will be bringing in a 24-hour hot drink bar with coffee and more. If you would like to offer donations of things like coffee, cream, milk, water jugs, coffee cake or other, please contact her via Facebook with your ideas and or make donation arrangements. This is a self-serve coffee bar, so if you can help with intermittent clean-up and such that would be greatly appreciated.

Sean Monahan - Parking - Signage

He may not remember volunteering, but we are holding him to it. Sean works for an event venue and has experience with helping out at events such as E11, Roots of the Rocks and EQ. He will be leading the crew that helps attendees know where to park and camp. He'll also be helping with signage such as no parking signs and perimeter signage. His crew will keep the fire lanes clear and such to keep the venue space organized and safe.

Pamela Stevens - Project Manager

Pamela has organizing experience with Burning Man, E11 and EQ productions. She'll be managing things such as permits, insurance, legal-ees, budgets, medical, security, volunteer leads, invoicing & payments, PR & communications and more. She is professionally and otherwise known as the one who can do all of the "hard jobs." In fact, she is even writing this blog post. If you would like to assist with the nitty gritty and sometimes not fun part of event planning please contact Pamela via Facebook or by texting 801-686-8409. Also, willing to help mentor event planner newbies.

Scott - Medical
Scott has been hanging around the med tent for the past few years offering endless hours of assistance until we contacted him and told him to just take the job already. He will be managing the med tent, medical volunteers and paid overnight crew. The med tent also houses things such as lost and found, volunteer t-shirts and general information. He'll be bringing in numerous years of experience and plenty of welcome snark. Open medical shifts will be posted on our volunteer website. Please contact Pamela Stevens if you would like to make medical donations or have ideas about making our med tent better serve the attendees.

Jessy & Jason Morgan - LNT

This couple has stepped up to be this year's FallEQ 2015 leave-no-trace (LNT) leads. They will be helping us ensure that we leave the Fort cleaner than it was before the event. They will also help with things like:
  • Attendee leave-no-trace education and outreach
  • LNT signage and communications
  • After event cleanup assistance
  • Recycling
...and anything else they can think of to help us keep the park clean. Please reach out to Jessy via Facebook if you have any questions or suggestions. LNT event shifts will be posted soon.

Greeter Lead - TBA
Please contact Pamela Stevens or Patrick Weber if you are interested in this position. This person will manage all of the greeter gate crew and supplies.

Community Donations - TBA
We like to try every year to collect donations for a local non-profit such as the YCC or Youth Futures. Please contact Pamela Stevens or Patrick Weber if you are interested in this position.

Along with our volunteers we also want to thank our paid crews such as overnight medical, security and gate crew. Thank you all, see you by the river soon!

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